
Port Position

modifier indicating where on a node an edge should be aimed. It has the form portname(:compass_point)? or compass_point. If the first form is used, the corresponding node must either have record shape with one of its fields having the given portname, or have an HTML-like label, one of whose components has a PORT attribute set to portname.

If a compass point is used, it must have the form "n","ne","e","se","s","sw","w","nw","c","_". This modifies the edge placement to aim for the corresponding compass point on the port or, in the second form where no portname is supplied, on the node itself. The compass point “c” specifies the center of the node or port. The compass point "_" specifies that an appropriate side of the port adjacent to the exterior of the node should be used, if such exists. Otherwise, the center is used. If no compass point is used with a portname, the default value is "_".

This attribute can be attached to an edge using the headport and tailport attributes, or as part of the edge description as in

digraph { node1:port1 -> node2:port5:nw; }

Note that it is legal to have a portname the same as one of the compass points. In this case, this reference will be resolved to the port. Thus, if node A has a port w, then headport=w will refer to the port and not the compass point. At present, in this case, there is no way to specify that the compass point should be used.


portPos is a valid type for: