
$ dot -Ttk



Output using the text-based Tcl/Tk graphics primitives.

Example outputs of a simple graph with two nodes connected with an edge:

Example: simple graph rendered with -Ttk

$ echo 'digraph { a->b }' | dot -Ttk
# Generated by graphviz version 2.47.1 (20210417.1919)
# Title: %3 Pages: 1
# a
$c create oval 5.3333 53.3333 77.3333 5.3333 -fill white -width 1 -outline black -tags {1node0x75509df0}
$c create text 41.3333 30.3 -text {a} -fill black -font {"Times" 14} -tags {0node0x75509df0}
# b
$c create oval 5.3333 149.3333 77.3333 101.3333 -fill white -width 1 -outline black -tags {1node0x75509f10}
$c create text 41.3333 126.3 -text {b} -fill black -font {"Times" 14} -tags {0node0x75509f10}
# a->b
$c create line 41.3333 53.7378 41.3333 64.023 41.3333 76.3834 41.3333 87.8501 -fill black -width 1 -smooth bezier  -tags {1edge0x5}
$c create polygon 46.0001 87.8609 41.3333 101.1942 36.6668 87.8608 -fill black -width 1 -outline black -tags {1edge0x5}

Last modified June 19, 2021 : Add examples for plaintext formats. (0dc3efd)