
A (non-authoritative) diagram of heritage of the Unix operating system. This “crazy” version of the classic graph was created to stress test the polygon shape generator and color map manager with random values.

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digraph "unix" { graph [ fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique", fontsize = 36, label = "\n\n\n\nObject Oriented Graphs\nStephen North, 3/19/93", size = "6,6" ]; node [ shape = polygon, sides = 4, distortion = "0.0", orientation = "0.0", skew = "0.0", color = white, style = filled, fontname = "Helvetica-Outline" ]; "5th Edition" [sides=9, distortion="0.936354", orientation=28, skew="-0.126818", color=salmon2]; "6th Edition" [sides=5, distortion="0.238792", orientation=11, skew="0.995935", color=deepskyblue]; "PWB 1.0" [sides=8, distortion="0.019636", orientation=79, skew="-0.440424", color=goldenrod2]; LSX [sides=9, distortion="-0.698271", orientation=22, skew="-0.195492", color=burlywood2]; "1 BSD" [sides=7, distortion="0.265084", orientation=26, skew="0.403659", color=gold1]; "Mini Unix" [distortion="0.039386", orientation=2, skew="-0.461120", color=greenyellow]; Wollongong [sides=5, distortion="0.228564", orientation=63, skew="-0.062846", color=darkseagreen]; Interdata [distortion="0.624013", orientation=56, skew="0.101396", color=dodgerblue1]; "Unix/TS 3.0" [sides=8, distortion="0.731383", orientation=43, skew="-0.824612", color=thistle2]; "PWB 2.0" [sides=6, distortion="0.592100", orientation=34, skew="-0.719269", color=darkolivegreen3]; "7th Edition" [sides=10, distortion="0.298417", orientation=65, skew="0.310367", color=chocolate]; "8th Edition" [distortion="-0.997093", orientation=50, skew="-0.061117", color=turquoise3]; "32V" [sides=7, distortion="0.878516", orientation=19, skew="0.592905", color=steelblue3]; V7M [sides=10, distortion="-0.960249", orientation=32, skew="0.460424", color=navy]; "Ultrix-11" [sides=10, distortion="-0.633186", orientation=10, skew="0.333125", color=darkseagreen4]; Xenix [sides=8, distortion="-0.337997", orientation=52, skew="-0.760726", color=coral]; "UniPlus+" [sides=7, distortion="0.788483", orientation=39, skew="-0.526284", color=darkolivegreen3]; "9th Edition" [sides=7, distortion="0.138690", orientation=55, skew="0.554049", color=coral3]; "2 BSD" [sides=7, distortion="-0.010661", orientation=84, skew="0.179249", color=blanchedalmond]; "2.8 BSD" [distortion="-0.239422", orientation=44, skew="0.053841", color=lightskyblue1]; "2.9 BSD" [distortion="-0.843381", orientation=70, skew="-0.601395", color=aquamarine2]; "3 BSD" [sides=10, distortion="0.251820", orientation=18, skew="-0.530618", color=lemonchiffon]; "4 BSD" [sides=5, distortion="-0.772300", orientation=24, skew="-0.028475", color=darkorange1]; "4.1 BSD" [distortion="-0.226170", orientation=38, skew="0.504053", color=lightyellow1]; "4.2 BSD" [sides=10, distortion="-0.807349", orientation=50, skew="-0.908842", color=darkorchid4]; "4.3 BSD" [sides=10, distortion="-0.030619", orientation=76, skew="0.985021", color=lemonchiffon2]; "Ultrix-32" [distortion="-0.644209", orientation=21, skew="0.307836", color=goldenrod3]; "PWB 1.2" [sides=7, distortion="0.640971", orientation=84, skew="-0.768455", color=cyan]; "USG 1.0" [distortion="0.758942", orientation=42, skew="0.039886", color=blue]; "CB Unix 1" [sides=9, distortion="-0.348692", orientation=42, skew="0.767058", color=firebrick]; "USG 2.0" [distortion="0.748625", orientation=74, skew="-0.647656", color=chartreuse4]; "CB Unix 2" [sides=10, distortion="0.851818", orientation=32, skew="-0.020120", color=greenyellow]; "CB Unix 3" [sides=10, distortion="0.992237", orientation=29, skew="0.256102", color=bisque4]; "Unix/TS++" [sides=6, distortion="0.545461", orientation=16, skew="0.313589", color=mistyrose2]; "PDP-11 Sys V" [sides=9, distortion="-0.267769", orientation=40, skew="0.271226", color=cadetblue1]; "USG 3.0" [distortion="-0.848455", orientation=44, skew="0.267152", color=bisque2]; "Unix/TS 1.0" [distortion="0.305594", orientation=75, skew="0.070516", color=orangered]; "TS 4.0" [sides=10, distortion="-0.641701", orientation=50, skew="-0.952502", color=crimson]; "System V.0" [sides=9, distortion="0.021556", orientation=26, skew="-0.729938", color=darkorange1]; "System V.2" [sides=6, distortion="0.985153", orientation=33, skew="-0.399752", color=darkolivegreen4]; "System V.3" [sides=7, distortion="-0.687574", orientation=58, skew="-0.180116", color=lightsteelblue1]; "5th Edition" -> "6th Edition"; "5th Edition" -> "PWB 1.0"; "6th Edition" -> LSX; "6th Edition" -> "1 BSD"; "6th Edition" -> "Mini Unix"; "6th Edition" -> Wollongong; "6th Edition" -> Interdata; Interdata -> "Unix/TS 3.0"; Interdata -> "PWB 2.0"; Interdata -> "7th Edition"; "7th Edition" -> "8th Edition"; "7th Edition" -> "32V"; "7th Edition" -> V7M; "7th Edition" -> "Ultrix-11"; "7th Edition" -> Xenix; "7th Edition" -> "UniPlus+"; V7M -> "Ultrix-11"; "8th Edition" -> "9th Edition"; "1 BSD" -> "2 BSD"; "2 BSD" -> "2.8 BSD"; "2.8 BSD" -> "Ultrix-11"; "2.8 BSD" -> "2.9 BSD"; "32V" -> "3 BSD"; "3 BSD" -> "4 BSD"; "4 BSD" -> "4.1 BSD"; "4.1 BSD" -> "4.2 BSD"; "4.1 BSD" -> "2.8 BSD"; "4.1 BSD" -> "8th Edition"; "4.2 BSD" -> "4.3 BSD"; "4.2 BSD" -> "Ultrix-32"; "PWB 1.0" -> "PWB 1.2"; "PWB 1.0" -> "USG 1.0"; "PWB 1.2" -> "PWB 2.0"; "USG 1.0" -> "CB Unix 1"; "USG 1.0" -> "USG 2.0"; "CB Unix 1" -> "CB Unix 2"; "CB Unix 2" -> "CB Unix 3"; "CB Unix 3" -> "Unix/TS++"; "CB Unix 3" -> "PDP-11 Sys V"; "USG 2.0" -> "USG 3.0"; "USG 3.0" -> "Unix/TS 3.0"; "PWB 2.0" -> "Unix/TS 3.0"; "Unix/TS 1.0" -> "Unix/TS 3.0"; "Unix/TS 3.0" -> "TS 4.0"; "Unix/TS++" -> "TS 4.0"; "CB Unix 3" -> "TS 4.0"; "TS 4.0" -> "System V.0"; "System V.0" -> "System V.2"; "System V.2" -> "System V.3"; }

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Last modified June 14, 2021 : Update docsy theme (097a529)