Switch Network

A non-blocking switch network consisting of only 2-way splitters and selectors. This graph was created to illustrate the parallel edge feature.

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digraph G { graph [center=1 rankdir=LR bgcolor="#808080"] edge [dir=none] node [width=0.3 height=0.3 label=""] { node [shape=circle style=invis] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 } { node [shape=circle] a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x } { node [shape=diamond] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X } 1 -> a -> {A B} [color="#0000ff"] 2 -> b -> {B A} [color="#ff0000"] 3 -> c -> {C D} [color="#ffff00"] 4 -> d -> {D C} [color="#00ff00"] 5 -> e -> {E F} [color="#000000"] 6 -> f -> {F E} [color="#00ffff"] 7 -> g -> {G H} [color="#ffffff"] 8 -> h -> {H G} [color="#ff00ff"] { edge [color="#ff0000:#0000ff"] A -> i -> {I K} B -> j -> {J L} } { edge [color="#00ff00:#ffff00"] C -> k -> {K I} D -> l -> {L J} } { edge [color="#00ffff:#000000"] E -> m -> {M O} F -> n -> {N P} } { edge [color="#ff00ff:#ffffff"] G -> o -> {O M} H -> p -> {P N} } { edge [color="#00ff00:#ffff00:#ff0000:#0000ff"] I -> q -> {Q U} J -> r -> {R V} K -> s -> {S W} L -> t -> {T X} } { edge [color="#ff00ff:#ffffff:#00ffff:#000000"] M -> u -> {U Q} N -> v -> {V R} O -> w -> {W S} P -> x -> {X T} } { edge [color="#ff00ff:#ffffff:#00ffff:#000000:#00ff00:#ffff00:#ff0000:#0000ff"] Q -> 10 R -> 20 S -> 30 T -> 40 U -> 50 V -> 60 W -> 70 X -> 80 } }

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Last modified June 14, 2021 : Update docsy theme (097a529)