
“It encodes the so-called philosophers dilemma. Neato pretty much approximates the way how humans would layout the graph.” Contributed by Manfred Jeusfield.

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## "It encodes the so-called philosophers dilemma. Neato pretty much approximates the way how humans would layout the graph." Contributed by Manfred Jeusfield. ## Command to generate the layout: "neato -Tpng thisfile > thisfile.png" digraph PhiloDilemma { layout=neato node [shape=box]; bec3; rel3; bec2; rel2; acq2; acq3; bec1; rel1; acq1; node [shape=circle,fixedsize=true,width=0.9]; hu3; th3; ri3; ea3; hu2; th2; ri2; ea2; hu1; th1; ri1; ea1; ri3->acq2; ri3->acq3; hu3->acq3; bec3->hu3; th3->bec3; rel3->th3; rel3->ri3; ea3->rel3; acq3->ea3; ri2->acq1; ri2->acq2; hu2->acq2; bec2->hu2; th2->bec2; rel2->th2; rel2->ri2; ea2->rel2; acq2->ea2; ri1->acq3; ri1->acq1; hu1->acq1; bec1->hu1; th1->bec1; rel1->th1; rel1->ri1; ea1->rel1; acq1->ea1; overlap=false label="PetriNet Model PhiloDilemma\nExtracted from ConceptBase and layed out by Graphviz " fontsize=12; }

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