Cluster Gradients

Demonstrates the use of cluster gradients.

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digraph G {bgcolor="red:cyan" gradientangle=0 subgraph cluster_0 { style=filled; color=lightgrey; fillcolor="blue:yellow"; gradientangle=90; node [fillcolor="yellow:green" style=filled gradientangle=270] a0; node [fillcolor="green:red"] a1; node [fillcolor="red:cyan"] a2; node [fillcolor="cyan:blue"] a3; a0 -> a1 -> a2 -> a3; label = "process #1"; } subgraph cluster_1 { node [fillcolor="yellow:magenta" style=filled gradientangle=270] b0; node [fillcolor="magenta:cyan"] b1; node [fillcolor="cyan:red"] b2; node [fillcolor="red:blue"] b3; b0 -> b1 -> b2 -> b3; label = "process #2"; color=blue fillcolor="blue:yellow"; style=filled; gradientangle=90; } start -> a0; start -> b0; a1 -> b3; b2 -> a3; a3 -> a0; a3 -> end; b3 -> end; start [shape=Mdiamond , fillcolor="yellow:brown", gradientangle=90, style=radial]; end [shape=Msquare, fillcolor="orange:blue", style=radial, gradientangle=90]; }

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