Gradients Applied to Data Struct Example

Demonstrates an application of gradients to record nodes.

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digraph g { graph [ rankdir = "LR" bgcolor = "white:lightblue" style="filled" gradientangle = 270]; node [ fontsize = "16" shape = "ellipse" style="filled" gradientangle=90 ]; edge [ ]; "node0" [ label = "<f0> 0x10ba8| <f1>" shape = "record" gradientangle="90" fillcolor = "yellow:blue" ]; "node1" [ label = "<f0> 0xf7fc4380| <f1> | <f2> |-1" shape = "record" fillcolor = "blue:red" gradientangle = 0 ]; "node2" [ label = "<f0> 0xf7fc44b8| | |2" shape = "record" fillcolor = "brown:yellow" gradientangle = 90 ]; "node3" [ label = "<f0> 3.43322790286038071e-06|44.79998779296875|0 | <f1>" shape = "record" fillcolor = "green:red" gradientangle = 90 ]; "node4" [ label = "<f0> 0xf7fc4380| <f1> | <f2> |2" shape = "record" fillcolor = "red:green" gradientangle = 0 ]; "node5" [ label = "<f0> (nil)| | |-1" shape = "record" fillcolor = "red:red" gradientangle = 90 ]; "node6" [ label = "<f0> 0xf7fc4380| <f1> | <f2> |1" shape = "record" fillcolor = "orange:green" ]; "node7" [ label = "<f0> 0xf7fc4380| <f1> | <f2> |2" shape = "record" fillcolor = "cyan:green" ]; "node8" [ label = "<f0> (nil)| | |-1" shape = "record" fillcolor = "cyan:cyan" ]; "node9" [ label = "<f0> (nil)| | |-1" shape = "record" fillcolor = "orange:orange" gradientangle = 90 ]; "node10" [ label = "<f0> (nil)| <f1> | <f2> |-1" shape = "record" fillcolor = "magenta:green" ]; "node11" [ label = "<f0> (nil)| <f1> | <f2> |-1" shape = "record" fillcolor = "red:green" ]; "node12" [ label = "<f0> 0xf7fc43e0| | |1" shape = "record" fillcolor = "magenta:magenta" ]; "node0":f0 -> "node1":f0 [ id = 0 ]; "node0":f1 -> "node2":f0 [ id = 1 ]; "node1":f0 -> "node3":f0 [ id = 2 ]; "node1":f1 -> "node4":f0 [ id = 3 ]; "node1":f2 -> "node5":f0 [ id = 4 ]; "node4":f0 -> "node3":f1 [ id = 5 ]; "node4":f1 -> "node6":f0 [ id = 6 ]; "node4":f2 -> "node10":f0 [ id = 7 ]; "node6":f0 -> "node3":f1 [ id = 8 ]; "node6":f1 -> "node7":f0 [ id = 9 ]; "node6":f2 -> "node9":f0 [ id = 10 ]; "node7":f0 -> "node3":f1 [ id = 11 ]; "node7":f1 -> "node1":f0 [ id = 12 ]; "node7":f2 -> "node8":f0 [ id = 13 ]; "node10":f1 -> "node11":f0 [ id = 14 ]; "node10":f2 -> "node12":f0 [ id = 15 ]; "node11":f2 -> "node1":f0 [ id = 16 ]; }

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